Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day One- Barnstable County fair

Hi All,
Well , Auntie PJ is exhausted...Mission Accomplished! Went to the Fair, and had a great time- won a bunch of games, went on a bunch of rides 9no, I didn't puke!), saw a really cool raptor show with Eagles, Hawks and Owls and some stinky barnyard animals. Ate ice cream, popcorn, corn dogs, lemonade and french fries.
Came home and took a shower in the "Man" shower outside, listened to the red Sox lose on the radio (hehe-go Rays), and built a campfire. ended the day with a GIANT cookie uncle D got me, and tall cool glass of milk. I called 'tucket to bed and dropped off to sleep around 10:30. Below are some of the images from the day- Enjoy. Off shopping with Uncle D this morning, then off to Go-Karts and the Cape Cod Baseball legaue all star game.
Later! John


Melissa Phelps said...

Sounds like you had a ton of fun at the fair - and looks like it too! I love fairs! You had tons of yummy fair food it sounds like. Mmmm... one of the best parts! I love the pictures.

Looks like the dogs really love you! Were they giving you kisses in the pictures?

Have fun with Uncle D today. And tonight sounds like a blast! Baseball & Go-Karts - can't get any better than that!!!

Love you & miss you!
<3 Mom

Nana said...

What a wonderful vacation you're having. You'll have lots to tell at school. Aren't fairs fun, with the animals, junk food and rides? Looks like Jetty, Tucket and Fleet really love having a kid to play with. Auntie PJ and Uncle D are a little old to play with them like you do. How was your "man day" with Uncle D?. Was lots of fun, I bet. Love you lots. Nana & Poppa

arlene said...

Howdy John,

Sounds like you are having a ton of fun! Fair sounded great and baseball, too. But I really love the go-carts! Aren't they the best? Keep having fun. Love Arlene and Simon

Unknown said...

Don't wear out your Aunty PJ too much Johnathan! Haha. Good job not puking on the rides. You wouldn't want another mess like at the Chasco. The fair sounds like fun. Have some fun for me too. I miss you.

Love Dad